My Intro Blog

Hello and welcome to Notes From a Chatterpillar! Notes From a Chatterpillar is a blog where you can hear a kid’s opinions about many topics and also witness interesting facts while you’re at it. I am very excited that I am going to blog. I can’t wait until I put my thoughts on paper and share them with all of you!

Let me tell you a few things about myself. First of all, I love to talk! I talk to my family and friends about all the topics that excite me. For example, I bombard them with many cool trivias like-did you know that laws are not just for our country but also for space to prevent wars or nuclear tests or that humans are the only animals who enjoy spicy food and that the world’s biggest tire producer is LEGO.`Thanks to my chatter, this inspired me to name my blog “Notes From a Chatterpillar”.

Another thing about me is that I love to ask a lot of questions. I am curious about many things. For Instance, how did soccer begin, when or where did time begin or, who made the first robot? I also like to travel, build legos with my sister, play soccer and compete in robotics competitions. Some of my favorite topics I read about are in fields of science, sports and money matters.

I am starting this blog because it is fun to write. The best thing out of creating a blog is that I can pour my thoughts onto a piece of paper and share it with all of you. This allows me to stay connected with all of you and receive feedback on what to write!

 I will try to publish new blogs about diverse topics as often as possible. I will also make sure that the information comes from reliable resources and will be interesting to a wide group of ages. Keep watching out for trending topics, weird but true facts and myths busters. I promise to keep all of you entertained! The content I will provide is interesting to all ages. 

Let me know what you think about my blogs. Also, write to me if you want me to blog on a topic of your interest. Please do not refrain from giving feedback as I will try to improve upon what you say!

Thank You for reading my intro blog and please stay tuned for my next blog!

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